Sunday, February 01, 2009

Completed the NYIP Course...

I have completed my NYIP Course in Professional Photography. Now I await the final review of the submitted assignments.

It was 6 assignments that I needed to choose from. I only needed to submit 4, but I submitted 5 plus some additional images. They always ask for us to submit more than the assignments chosen. They like to see how far we have progressed. So, I have submitted the product shot, city skyline at night, head and shoulders portrait, and the glamour shot.

I struggled with the last unit. I had to find a new model, they did not want a model I had shot in the previous assignments. Not an easy thing to schedule, since I do have a day time job. Then I had to find a good view of downtown Dallas and decided on the northern view of downtown. I had the help of some friends letting me into their apartment in the evening. I also went out looking for a unique building to photograph. I found the Hunt Financial building off of Woodall Rodgers interesting. I also had to do the glamour photo and the model was to be either clothed or unclothed. I was able to get this image with the same model that I did the head and shoulders portrait.

So there it is. I will see what other courses I can take with NYIP. I just love their correspondence course. I also must confess, I have been looking at the Hallmark Institute of Photography. But they are based out of Mass. I would have to move there, take out a loan for the course, and it is a 10 month intensive course, Monday thru Friday of Photography lessons, Business in Photography Lessons, Color theory lessons, etc. This just sounds like a really good school to go to. I would be interacting with the staff and students. It's is a big step, having to get a loan for the entire course of just 10 months, but at the end, I will have all the skills and training for business in Photography. Looks like I have a big decision to make. Maybe I will take the course in 2010. Maybe.


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