Monday, February 21, 2011

052 of 365

::Demons in Crystal Shards::

I must say.  Every time I take and look at crystals, especially the raw unfinished crystals, I am amazed at what becomes visible.  Could it be true, about crystals and their mystical properties and uses?  This tiny crystal, has been with me for over ten years, until today, I never expected to see this staring me in the face.  It is just amazing!  I wonder what the story behind this crystal is.  Is it a smaller piece of the larger crystal the once belonged to a powerful psychic, who used it to channel spirits, or better, demons, to do their bidding.  It just seems odd that I have this one piece and so much is being revealed, just by looking into it.  Could this be what they see when they go into their trance and channel a spirit?


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